About Us

Mission Statement

NJTESOL/NJBE, Inc. is a not-for-profit professional and educational organization whose purposes are:

  1.  To actively support the development of bilingual education and the teaching of English as a Second Language;
  2.  To strengthen instruction at all levels;
  3.  To disseminate educational information as related to professional development;
  4.  To provide educational services such as workshops, conferences, and consulting assistance;
  5.  To promote scholarship and foster research in first and second language acquisition and bilingual/bicultural studies; and
  6.  To cooperate in appropriate ways with other groups having similar interests and concerns.

2016 — 2017 Calendar

These are upcoming national, state, and local events. If you have something to add, send an e-mail to rrauch@njtesol-njbe.org .  Put Voices Calendar in the subject line.

October 12—15:  The WIDA National Conference: Drawing on Life’s Experiences: Designing Bright Futures, Philadelphia, PA. 

October 15
:"Preparing for ACCESS Through Ongoing Formative Assessment, Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ. Keynote: Dr. Waleska Batista-Arias; Presenters:  Sonya Bertini and Surinder Kaur.

Dr. Batista-Arias teaches in the Cherry Hill School District. She is an expert at Universal Design for Learning (UDL) for second language learners and instructional technology. She is a member of the NJDOE Advisory Committee on UDL.

Sonya Bertini is a Bilingual Special Education and ESL teacher at Vineland High School, and the Special Education SIG Representative of NJTESOL/NJBE

Surinder Kaur is a high school Science and ESL teacher in Camden. She is also the Graduate Student Representative to the NJTESOL/NJBE Executive Board.
October 21, 2016 - Building InclusiveEducational Pathways for Undocumented Students, Rutgers, The State University, New Brunswick, NJ.

October 29 - Preparing for ACCESS Through Ongoing Formative Assessment, William Paterson University, Wayne, NJ. Keynote: Dr. Gilda Del Risco; Presenters: Sandy Nahmias and Margaret Churchill.

Dr. Del Risco is Executive Director of the School of Curriculum and Teaching at Kean University.

Sandy Nahmias teaches elementary ESL in Linden, and is the Bilingual Elementary Special Interest Group Representative of NJTESOL/NJBE.

Margaret Churchill teaches middle school ESL in Closter, NJ, and is the WIDA Liaison to the NJTESOL/NJBE Executive Board.

October 29
Preparing for ACCESS Through Ongoing Formative Assessment, Stockton University, Galloway, NJ. Keynote: Dr. Elizabeth (BJ) Franks; Presenters: Dr. Waleska Batista-Arias and Dr. Maryellen Fitzpatrick.

Dr. Franks is the Socio-Political Concerns Representative for NJTESOL/NJBE, and consults for districts all over the eastern United States on ELL issues. 

Dr. Maryellen Fitzpatrick teaches elementary ESL in Voorhees, NJ is an adjunct professor at Rowan University; she was previously the ELL Specialist for RAC Region 7.

Admission will be $65 for members and $85 for non-members. Refreshments and Professional Development (PD) certificates will be available. Registration and further details is available on the NJTESOL/NJBE website, www.njtesol-njbe.org

* Those who have registered for the Stockton or Rowan conferences may have their admission fee payments transferred to the Northern conference at William Paterson University or opt for a refund.


February 23-25:  NABE (National Association for Bilingual Education) National Conference, Leadership for Equity and Excellence through Bilingualism and Biliteracy, Dallas, TX.​ www.tesol.org

March 21-24
TESOL International: TESOL 2.0: Engage, Enrich, Empower; Seattle, Washington. www.tesol.org

Be sure to check our web site http://www.njtesol-njbe.org for any changes in schedules and for additional programs. Click also on Chapter News.


2016 — 2017 NJTESOL/NJBE Executive Board

Executive Board

Executive Board 2016-2017

JoAnne Negrin
Vineland Public Schools (Cumberland Co.)

Vice President/President-Elect
Caia Schlessinger
Colts Neck High School/Freehold Regional High School District

Past President
Sandee McBride
Rutgers University

Gregory A. Romero
Carteret School District

Maria Jaume
Clifton Public Schools

Business Administrator
Gwen Franks

Barbara Tedesco
Consultant: LLAMAME, LLC
North Jersey Field Coordinator/ Instructor NJ EXCEL Program

Tina Kern
Morris School District in Morristown, NJ

Membership Chair
Joan Pujol
Dumont Public Schools: Retired

Adult Education
Debbie DeBlasio, Department Chair of Languages and ESL// Assistant Professor, ESL
Brookdale Community College, Lincroft, NJ

Bilingual/ESL Early Childhood/Pre-K – Kdg. Representative
Carole Maurer
ESL Teacher, Ocean City School District

Bilingual Elementary 1-8 Representative
Sandra S. Nahmias
Linden Public Schools

Bilingual Secondary Representative
Larry Bello
Bilingual/ESL Resource Specialist at Perth Amboy Public Schools

ESL Elementary 1 - 5 Representative
Maryellen Fitzpatrick
NJDOE Regional Achievement Center

ESL Middle School 6 - 8 Representative
Michelle Land
Bilingual/ESL Middle School SIG, Randolph Public Schools

ESL Secondary Representative
Marcella Garavaglia
Colts Neck High School/Freehold Regional High School District

Higher Education Representative
Howard Pomann
Director of the Institute for Intensive English, Union County College

Graduate Student Representative
Surinder Kaur
Rowan University

Parent/Community Representative
Angeline Sturgis
K-3 ESL, Lawrence Township, NJ. 

Joan Pujol
Dumont Public Schools: Retired

Sociopolitical Concerns Representative
Elizabeth Franks
Consultant: LLAMAME, LLC

Social Media Coordinator
Judie Haynes
Consultant: www.everythingESL.net

Special Education
Sonya Bertini
Vineland Public Schools

Supervisors' SIG Representative
Yasmin Hernandez-Manno
Newark Public Schools

Teacher Education Representative

Technology Consultant
Marilyn Pongracz     
Bergen Community College

Voices Editor
Roselyn Rauch, Ed.D.
Paterson Public Schools: Retired
Consultant:  ESL Unlimited 

Voices Layout Designer
Dawn Marie Arthur




NJTESOL/NJBE Voices Editorial Board

NJ Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages & NJ Bilingual Educators

Voices Fall 2016                                                                  Volume 45  No. 4

Roselyn Rauch, Ed.D.
Paterson Public Schools: Retired
Consultant: ESL Unlimited
Dawn Marie Arthur

Marilyn Pongracz
Bergen Community College

Gwen Franks
NJTESOL/NJBE Business Administrator

Roselyn O. Rauch, Ed.D.

Note: Advertising is printed as a service to our membership but does not imply endorsement.

Voices is the quarterly publication of NJTESOL/NJBE printed Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall. It is a benefit to members of NJTESOL/NJBE.

For change of address or membership/subscription questions, contact mmber@njtesol-njbe.org