Transcendent Imaginaries for a Raced Language of Immigration | Dr. Patriann Smith - Keynote | Current trends continue to reflect a global era where racialization of languaging functions as a mechanism for reinforcing racialization of immigrants, both through individual and institutional realities. Teachers who rely primarily on institutional guidance for teaching immigrants require awareness of how intersectionalities can be harnessed to foster holistic literacies. This awareness can, in turn, help to intentionally instantiate and sustain critical transcendent imaginaries. The presentation is informed by an MLA awarded book “Black Immigrant Literacies: Intersections of Race, Language, and Culture in the Classroom” – winner of the MLA Mina P. Shaughnessy Honorable Mention. |
Cultivating Translanguaging Imaginaries through Transnational Nativity | Dr. Patriann Smith -Keynote Breakout Session | Current trends continue to require teachers to rely primarily on the transnational nativity of children and youth to instantiate imaginaries of the present that foster their holistic literacies. Teachers who teach immigrant and transnational as well as all youth can benefit from understanding how race, language, and migration inform their transnational nativity. In turn, they can intentionally leverage the translanguaging imaginaries of students to instantiate and sustain these literacies. The presentation is informed by an MLA awarded book “Black Immigrant Literacies: Intersections of Race, Language, and Culture in the Classroom” – winner of the MLA Mina P. Shaughnessy Honorable Mention. |
Policies That Support MLs | NJDOE - Lori Ramella & Jacquelyn Leon - Invited Speakers | Participants will have the opportunity to hear about current federal and state policies that support multilingual learners. There will also be time for questions and an interactive discussion to deepen your understanding of these important policies. Don't miss out on this chance to learn more and engage with experts in the field! |
Multilingual Roadmap: Your GPS for Confident Collaboration | Jenna Maneri & Daryl Perkins | Oftentimes, in districts, the responsibility falls to the ESL Teacher in each building to share their expertise and strategies with colleagues. As an ESL Coach and ML Specialist with two unique perspectives and experiences, allow us to help you navigate supporting your MLs by supporting their classroom teachers. |
From Translation to Transformation: AI's Role in Supporting MLs in K-12 | Gonca Cosgun | Explore how AI tools go beyond translation to enhance language learning, comprehension, and engagement for multilingual learners in K-12 classrooms, creating personalized, inclusive support that empowers students academically and socially. |
The Intersection of Reading and Meaning: Text Annotation | Maggie Churchill | Text annotation and deconstruction help build multilingual learners' capacity to make meaning during reading. This hands-on session will demonstrate how to build greater text comprehension and facilitate responses to questions during post-reading. Participants will learn the steps for text annotation and deconstruction as modeled in the 2020 WIDA Standards Framework for English language development. |
Multisensory Math for Multilingual Learners | Kara Hart | This hands-on approach to teaching math allows newcomer and SLIFE students to understand the foundational skills and knowledge needed to grow their math skills. |
Empowering MLs Through Personal Goal Setting | Tugba Hoguet - Poster Session | This presentation explores how personal goal setting empowers multilingual learners (MLs) by fostering motivation, self-efficacy, and academic success. Strategies for implementing goal-setting frameworks, tracking progress, and enhancing student agency will be discussed, highlighting practical applications for educators in multilingual classrooms. |
Drop-in Session: Leveraging the Expressive Language Charts | Lynn Shafer Willner - Poster Session | Stop by to chat with a WIDA standards developer about tips for leveraging the new Expressive Language Charts. Explore how to use digital Charts to connect ACCESS scores to classroom-based assessment and instruction, communicate with colleagues, and monitor student progress. |
AI and ELD: A Powerful Partnership | Lynn Shafer Willner - Invited Speaker | Discover how to use AI apps to create engaging, standards-based activities for multilingual learners. Learn techniques to avoid generic results and tailor AI prompts to meet specific needs, aligned with the WIDA ELD Standards Framework, 2020 Edition. |
Dyslexia Screeners for MLs: The What, Why, and How? | Kathryn Tepedino & Amy Garner | Join us to learn what is a dyslexia screener, why should every student, including MLs, be assessed with one, and how to administer and interpret results to inform instruction. |
ABCs of Teaching MLs in Career and Technical Education | Correen Celestine-Edwards, PhD | Creative tips and activities for teaching multilingual learners in a Career and Technical Education high school classroom. |
Student Interpreters - Elevating Bilingualism in Elementary Students | Lea Klein - Poster Session | Multilingual families often feel unable to effectively communicate at school events due to limited English skills or nervousness. 3rd and 4th grade students as interpreters offer a low risk opportunity for parents to ask questions, understand the routines and events going on at school and feel invested in the activities their children are involved in. |
Addressing Linguistic Discrimination in Community Colleges | Nikki Hall | This presentation explores how US higher education institutions, specifically community colleges, fail to accommodate the changing linguistic backgrounds of their students. It advocates for policies supporting MLs, emphasizing faculty training, asset-based views of multilingualism and Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Pedagogies. |
Structured Literacy Instruction for Older Students | Elizabeth Riello-Connors | Older MLs, SLIFEs, and LTELs require explicit, systematic instruction to learn to read just as younger learners do. In this workshop, we will focus on the other three pillars of reading (vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension) and how they relate to effective literacy instruction. An overview of programs, instructional routines, and resources will be shared. |
Creating Lessons for All Through Picture Books | Luigina Finneran | They say "a picture is worth a thousand words", so why not use it! In this session, you will learn how to use picture books to help teach thematic units that can reach ALL students in your classroom. Examples of how to use social/academic, content area and cultural vocabulary will be included. At the end you will create your own mini-lesson with books provided. |
TESOL Lessons for People and the Planet | Nancy Sardone | Discover activities (simulations, role-playing, and more) that use environmental stewardship as an organizing theme to build disciplinary content and skills in language arts, mathematics, science and social studies. Receive lesson plans that motivate and engage MLs in real-world issues. |
Building Emotional Resilience: SEL Strategies for Educators | Gustavo Santamaria | This interactive session equips educators with practical Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) strategies to foster emotional resilience in diverse classrooms. Participants will explore SEL’s core competencies, address challenges, and gain tools to support students’ emotional well-being. |
Gamification and Project Based Instruction for MLs | Sara O'Hagan & Monica Del Rosario | Explore how gamification and project-based instruction engage MLs. This session provides practical strategies for integrating these approaches to enhance language acquisition, foster collaboration, and build real-world skills. Attendees will leave with adaptable tools and classroom-ready ideas. |
Let’s Talk! Quick Tips for Teachers of Young Multilingual Learners | Nicole Hartmann | Join us to focus on our youngest multilingual learners! Preschool and Kindergarten teachers will learn targeted ways to raise the language level in their Early Childhood classrooms by exploring strategies for each play center and part of the students’ routines. |
The Writing Process through a Dual Language Lens! | Jenna Maurer & Adriana Valdez-Rivera | We will describe the writing process in a kindergarten dual language classroom, emphasizing the steps for students to develop into fluent writers across two languages. |
Making a Global Impact from Home: Peace Corps Virtual Service | Annelise Marshall - Poster Session | This poster presentation will discuss virtual opportunities for volunteering with the Peace Corps. The presenter will share her experience volunteering with bilingual educators in Colombia and introduce how full-time educators can participate in adaptable yet impactful remote projects. |
Co-Planning and Co-Assessing in Dual Language/Bilingual Programs | Joan Lachance & Andrea Honigsfeld - Invited Speakers | Come join us for this interactive session with multifaceted engaging activities regarding collaboration in dual language/bilingual education contexts. We offer real-world program successes and ways to shift mindsets for multilingualism through collaborative planning and assessment. |
Mentoring New ESL & BE Teachers: Bridging Research & Practice | Alex Guzman | This session is designed to empower supervisors and coordinators with the tools and strategies to effectively support new ESL and bilingual education teachers. Grounded in the latest research and enriched with practical applications, the presentation will focus on the unique challenges faced by educators in these roles and how thoughtful mentoring can improve teacher retention, instructional quality, and student outcomes. |
Language Acquisition Made Practical: Multilingual Tools and Tips | Jessica Duran & Michelle Eng | In today's session, we will discuss current research and strategies to support newcomers, emergent bilinguals, and higher level MLs within the K-12 setting. These tools and strategies provide interactive, engaging ways to enhance language acquisition and comprehension, making learning more accessible and inclusive for students with diverse linguistic backgrounds. |
Effective Strategies and Resources for Boosting Comprehension | Tina Kern | Transform your classroom with this dynamic workshop, incorporating strategies rooted in the Science of Reading to elevate listening and reading comprehension. Discover techniques and resources to boost engagement, empower diverse learners, and provide adaptable tools for differentiated instruction at all levels. |
Addressing Needs of Secondary Level Multilingual Learners | Esther Kang & Jonida Dapi | Have you ever thought about how many crossroads Secondary MLs need to get through in their journey to proficiency Participants will engage in conversations and explore the different intersections MLs encounter. We will share specific systems of support. |
College Readiness Now - Pathways to Student Success | Leah Carmona, Linda Scherr, Marva Cole-Friday & Chanel Cortijo - Panel | Join us to learn how New Jersey’s College Readiness Now grant program supports community colleges' collaboration with high schools to identify educational gaps and promote initiatives to ensure student persistence and increase post-secondary degree completion for students of all socio-economic and ethnic backgrounds. |
Partnering with Your Local Library for ML Success! | Anna Rose Gable & Nathalie Levine | Did you know that school and public libraries offer a wide array of physical & digital materials, programs, and services that can help MLs and their teachers and families access language, content, and community services? Leave this hands-on workshop empowered with a plan for collaboration. |
Maximizing Student Success: WIDA ACCESS Accommodations & Exemptions | Regina Acevedo & Nancy Schreck | Ensure that your Special Education ML students have accurate and appropriate accommodations on the WIDA ACCESS test. This workshop provides educators with practical insights and tips to provide appropriate learning, language and testing accommodations for students. |
At the Intersection of Language and Disability | Andrea Honigsfeld & Audrey Cohan - Invited Speakers | Multilingual learners with disabilities deserve a carefully constructed, inclusive learning environment rather than disjointed services. Join us to explore how to plan intentional, cohesive learning experiences that simultaneously address their language and literacy needs and support their intersectional identities. |
Intersectionality and Advocacy | Sonya Bertini, Kathleen Fernandez, &Jeff Hutcheson - Panel | Learn about the advocacy work of NJTESOL/NJBE and the intersections with its various partners to provide recommendations for changes to NJDOE Code including the Special Education Code. Our focus is on providing key recommendations for the New Jersey Department of Education, state legislators, and school districts regarding dually identified Special Education and Multilingual Learners. |
Personalize Growth for MLs with Boost | Pangjua Xiong - Sponsor Session | Imagine having the precise data and learning materials to monitor student progress towards proficiency in oral language, reading comprehension, and writing. Learn how Boost provides what is needed to target specific skills for students at any English proficiency level. |
Unlocking Language Through Multimodal Strategies | Yvonne Oronoz-Williams - Sponsor Session | This session equips educators with practical strategies to use UDL principles and scaffolding techniques, enabling accessible, multimodal instruction for multilingual learners. Participants will explore UDL, scaffolding, and designing lessons that leverage students’ strengths and interests. |
Countering Anti-Black Racism Summer Book Study Reflection | kiina dordoni | NJTESOL/NJBE Board Members share reflections on our Summer Book Study: Black Immigrant Literacies: Intersections of Race, Language, and Culture in the Classroom by Keynote Speaker, Dr. Patriann Smith, as we model a process of learning and change. |
Andragogy and Adult Learning Theories | Kimberly Sharkey | How often do you hear the term Andragogy when talking about adult learning? Come learn more about it and other adult learning theories that will help you understand, plan for, and assist your adult learners in meeting their learning objectives and their goals. |
Implementation of a Part-Time Bilingual Program | Carolina Smith | With increasing Multilingual student enrollment comes the need to instill a Bilingual Education program that will meet your students where they are and increase student achievement for your district. Participants will acquire an understanding of why a part-time bilingual program is necessary, the resources and support required, and how to optimize this type of program for the linguistic and cultural competence of your multilingual students. |
Translanguaging in Action | Christine Donatello - Poster Session | Translanguaging is becoming increasingly popular, but what does it really look like when it is in action? This poster will not only define translanguaging but will demonstrate how effective this strategy is when it is implemented with meaningful intention. |
Implicit and Explicit Language Strategies | Jacquelyn McMahon - Poster Session | According to Second Language Acquisition, the learning of language is separated into two categories. In this presentation, we provide best practices to support language learners acquiring skills unconsciously through natural exposure, and the conscious study of grammar rules and vocabulary. |